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When did life get so complicated???

You probably noticed I didn’t update my blog last week. That is because the drama continued!

My eldest is still trying to navigate living alone and struggling to get people to obey the rules of his house. Not unexpected but it’s driving him crazy and me by extension. We’re still trying to get rid of the nitrous oxide canisters, but the drama has settled a little.

My youngest is still devastated about his bike being stolen and took to facebook to find it. We were surprised to find an identical bike for sale close to our house, but he decided he wanted to set up a sting operation and get his bike back. He was rather proud of himself as he is planning to go into the police force as a crime scene investigator. He contacted the seller and set up a time to see the bike. It didn’t quite go to plan but when we finally saw the bike, he checked the serial number. It was different. We bought it anyway! He is now happy biking around again.

As for me? I found a good walking stick and it is helping a little, but I’ve not had much use for it as I have barely left the house. I have spent much of the last couple of weeks organising my new bathroom. It’s meant to start today, but I am not sure if anyone is coming. Apparently there is asbestos in the glue used to stick the floor tiles down, so we have to have a specialist come to remove them. I don’t really know what is happening but I assume someone will tell me when I need to know. Until then I am playing wait and see who shows up! On the plus side I am back at physio tomorrow.

So with all of that going on and the usual pain and foggy days I haven't written much in the last few weeks. I have written a few poems for my new poetry books during my better days, but I spent most of the time editing! Oh my god I hate editing. Words start meaning nothing after a couple of hours and I need to stop. I usually go to my mother and just say ‘wut ar wuds’. She always laughs because she understands how my brain works, but seriously, it's not easy. You try reading the same paragraph twenty times and see what happens? Read the same word ten times and you will question if it is spelt correctly. But the first of the convergence series (previously the alphabet series) is almost ready. I won’t be releasing it until I have at least two more ready to go, but hopefully that will be around easter. Initially I wanted six ready to go before I published, so I could release a book every month. I may need to leave six weeks between release dates as I am a little behind.

Watch this space for the first release date!

Until next time...

Grab a book. Snuggle up and read. A good story can take you anywhere.

Just believe.

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